Thursday, August 22, 2019

Most dangerous Animals on Earth

The member of Kingdom Animalia is defined as Animal.Living creature such as a dog,lion or fish rather than a bird,rabbit or a human being is referred as Animals.It is a particular kind of living organism.

The list of most dangerous Animals on earth:-

1.  Mosquitoes

Every year 725,000 peoples are killed by mosquitos borne disease.Mosquitoes carry dengue fever,yellow fever and other many harmful disease.Mosquitoes are group of atleast 3,500 species of small insects.


Female :  46-52 days
Male :  8-10 days

2. Snakes

About 50.000 people are killed every year by snakes.Snakes are elongated and carnivorous reptiles of suborder serpentes.These are ectothermic amniote..


many colubrids have life span of between 15-20 years.\
smaller species live for 5-10 years.

3. Brazilian wandering spider

The Earth's most venomous spider is extra dangerous due to its habit of,car,well,banana bunches and other places.Sweating and burning is caused by the bite from these creepy creatures .They caused reducing blood pressure and blurred vision.sometime it causes sudden death.


Life span of a Brazillisn wandering spider is between 1 to 2 years

4. Dogs

Rabid dogs are responsible for about 25,000 deaths per year all over the world.According to WHO countries with large population of strays see correspondingly high rates of rabies in India.


Lifespan of Dogs is about 10 to 13 years.

5. Crocodiles

Crocodile is the one of the most dangerous animal on earth.They found is brackish and fresh water in south east Asia and Eastern India and Northern Australia.They killed buffalo,monkeys and other wild bores for food.Crocodiles are considerd the most likely to feast on people.


lifespan of a Crocodile is about 70 to 100 years

6. Hippopotamus

Hippopotamus may look lazy and goofy,but these can be frightening Hippopotamus have aggressive streak and run upto 13-14 miles per hour.Teeth of hippopotamus are very sharp.They are responsible for 500 deaths per year according to  WHO.


Lifespan of a Hippopotamus is about 40 to 50 years.

7. Honey Bees

According to CDC,Honey Bees are one of dangerous animal on earth.About 100 peoples in US were killed by sting of Honey bees.


lifespan of Honey bees is about 122 to 152 days

8. Elephants

Elephants are similar to Hippos.Elephants are generally vegetarian but when they are being harassed and pressured ,they can be brutal.They are  more aggressive toward humans.


Lifespan of elephant is 60 to 70 years

9. Lions

Lions are sharp toothed animals. these are very dangerous  to human and all other mammals.About 22 peoples were killed by Lions per year.


Lifespan of lion is 10 to 14 years.

10. Human

Why shocked,we are Animals,too - and lethal ones,at that.Acoording to UNO (United Natoins Office) on crime and drugs,About 43,7000 homocides in which a person was killed by another person.
Human is the second deadliest Animal on earth.


lifespan of human is approx. 79 years.

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